2nd Annual Oregon Healthiest State Summit
Tuesday, Nov. 10
Revolution Hall
1300 SE Stark St. Portland, OR 97214
Register here: http://summit.orhealthieststate.org/2015#agenda
7am Check-in and coffee
8:30am Welcome Address
State of Health in Oregon, Dr. Joe Robertson, OHSU
Oregon Healthiest State Strategy
10am Moderated Panels
- Changing the Context: Local Communities
- Changing the Context: Industries
- Collective Impact Statewide Initiatives
11:30am Lunch
12:15pm Keynote
The Finnish town that went on a diet, Dan Buettner, Blue Zones, LLC
1:30pm Breakout Sessions
- Changing the Context: Local Communities
- Changing the Context: Industries
3pm Breakout Sessions
- Collective Impact Statewide Initiatives
- Oral Health
- Health and Outdoors
- Financial Peace of Mind
- Initiative Development / Emerging Initiatives
- Mental / Emotional Health
- Early Interventions (e.g. Child Abuse)
- Overall Well-Being
4:30pm Closing Remarks
5pm Wine and Networking