Heart Pilates and Movement

Health and happiness through better movement.

Heart Pilates and Movement is the practice of Jennifer Jean, a certified instructor from the Pilates Institute in Boulder, Colorado. She uses a holistic approach to life balance through movement using the techniques of Classical Pilates, Gyrotonics, and the Alexander Technique. Our mission statement is....

Our Values: FAMILY

  • Focus
  • Awareness
  • Movement
  • Intention
  • Love
  • You


Jennifer works out of Reform Pilates and Movement Studio in Southeast Portland, Oregon. Located on 28th and Belmont, Reform is a 3500 sq/ft studio with a full schedule of group classes, and private sessions. In addition to Pilates, Reform offers massage therapy services. More information can be found at www.reformpilatespdx.com.

Classical Pilates

  • Pilates is based on the work of Joseph Pilates....

Alexander Technique

Alexander Technique is...


Gyrotonics are...